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There are 2 ways to install Paradise UI components to your React project.

Default Installation

It is recommended to install the whole package of Paradise UI if you're going to use multiple components and paradise UI theming.

# yarn
yarn add @paradise-ui/react

# or npm
npm install @paradise-ui/react

# or pnpm
pnpm add @paradise-ui/react

Standalone Component Installation

If you only want to install one or a few components, for a case such as when you already use another UI library, you can install the component individually. It will only install that particular component package.

Suppose you want to add our Text field component into your existing project.

# yarn
yarn add @paradise-ui/text-field

# or npm
npm i @paradise-ui/text-field

# or pnpm
pnpm add @paradise-ui/text-field

Component Package List

This is the list of our components so far. More components are in progress.